Pets Yoga is the Original UK -London based puppy yoga club. We introduced puppy yoga, kitten yoga and bunny yoga in the UK in 2018.
We combine yoga and pets cuddling in a stress-free environment, while giving pets the opportunity to learn to socialize with humans before they enter the outside World!
We are known as the Original Puppy Yoga Club, or Cuteness Overlad Club !

All our pets are invited to our classes through reputable breeders or charities.
"Where do they come from?" we often hear. They come from their loving family home for a play day and come back home after the day. As simple as a puppy (kitten/bunny) day care.
They are invited to our sessions at the age of 8 to 13 weeks old.
We offer them the chance to learn how to socialize with people in a relaxing environment.
Socialization is key for small pets before they go to their forever home. It builds their confidence and makes them ready to enter the outside World. This idea is very beneficial for humans as well : a release of the chemicals dopamine and oxytocin is triggered in the brain when humans look at puppies.

We pay a high attention to the breeders we work with and only select loving families with the highest standards.
All our furry guests are healthy, vet checked and loved!
Pets Yoga long term goal would be to work with charities/rescues, which would be an amazing way to connect pets to potential forever families!
This dedication has enabled us to be the unique Club to receive recognition from industry experts, notably through a veterinary investigation conducted for Crufts in March 2022.
Discover more about our ethics here.

THE ORIGINAL PUPPY YOGA CLUB - With more than 5 years of experience, we run events out with Passion, Originality and a genuine Love for pets.
FLEXIBILITY - You are emailed 5 days prior to the event with the class information and precise location. Tickets are exchangeable until 3 days prior to the event.
ETHICS - You are sure that the ethics are here, before but also during the event!
VENUES - We use premium spaces to make your experience unforgettable!
RATIO PETS/PEOPLE - We have a ratio 1 pet/2 people in our classes, so the pets are not overwhelmed and you get a proper cuddle time.

Events are open for booking 1 month in advance on our website with the main location- and breed pre-announced whenever possible.
The events are hold in London zone 1 or 2. The precise location will be sent to customers 5 days prior to the event. If you are not happy with the location, you can email us to get an exchange (at last 3 days before the event) to any other dates.
The names of the tickets holders are checked before the class, do not resell tickets to a tierce person. Pets Yoga reserves the right to refuse a customer whose name is not registered on our system.
Refund policy:
Tickets can be exchanged until 3 days before the event.
COVID 19: The exchange policy can't be extended in case of illness related to COVID. Attendees are exceptionnally allowed to resell or gift tickets to a friend, and to email us with the new guests full names and email addresses in CC.
For safety reasons for the pets, we practice very gentle yoga with no balancing positions. Our sessions are suitable for all levels, for pregnant women and from children from 6. Children from 6 to 16 must attend with a guardian -one ticket per person.

Like Google, Mark & Spencer and multiple other brands, you can contact us for press events, or corporate events.
We also organize private sessions for groups (birthdays, hen does, stag does, etc). Feel free to contact us about your project.
Our team will make sure to organize the best day for your brand or your day!